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By accessing the APERALTAR website (“Website”) you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use & Privacy Policy and should read them carefully. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use & Privacy Policy you must not access, view or enter data on this Website.

Ownership and Access

The purpose of this website is to provide promotional information about APERALTAR services and to consult information and specialties.
All intellectual property rights relating to the content and information provided (texts, images, brands and logos) belong exclusively to APERALTAR and our partners. It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce, modify or disseminate, in whole or in part, the content of this Website without the prior written authorization of APERALTAR, with the exception of what is strictly necessary to view the pages that make up this Website and for private, non-commercial use.
APERALTAR does not recognize any rights to any material and/or ideas that may be presented on this Website by visitors without having been previously requested by us. APERALTAR reserves the right to consider all material sent via this website as non-confidential and not covered by third party intellectual property rights, and may be used in advertising and promotions created by APERALTAR, which will not in any case be considered as collaborative works, collective works or composite works.


APERALTAR is not responsible for and does not provide any guarantees with regard to the information provided through this Website. You may find links to other websites, and APERALTAR is not responsible for the content, accuracy, credibility or functionality of third-party websites.
APERALTAR accepts no responsibility for any interruptions in the presentation of the Website, viruses or other damage that may be caused to its users.
Any connection between the APERALTAR.PT Website and other websites without prior written authorization from APERALTAR is strictly prohibited.
If you have found content on this website that may infringe copyright, please contact us immediately at the following addresses:

Aperaltar, Lda.

Av. Melo e Sousa, 667
2765-253 Estoril – Portugal
NIPC: 517233932


Personal Data Protection

The use of the Website implies the collection of the IP address of the user’s computer to access the Websites, as well as the collection of information related to the user’s Internet service provider, the type of Internet browser or the operating system used. The data collected by APERALTAR is processed by computer, in certain cases automatically, but always in strict compliance with the national and EU legislation in force on the protection and privacy of personal data. APERALTAR respects your right to privacy on the Internet and we make every effort to preserve the security of any personal information you provide us with. APERALTAR will only collect personal data, such as your name and e-mail address, when they are voluntarily entered through this website, for statistical purposes.

Entity responsible for processing

The entity responsible for processing is APERALTAR or another company contracted by APERALTAR for this purpose.
Data retention time
Without prejudice to legal or regulatory provisions to the contrary, data will be kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed.
You may object, at any time, to the use of your data for marketing purposes, for sending informative communications or for inclusion in lists or information services, to correct or update the personal data you have provided on the APERALTAR Website, by sending a written request addressed to “Data Protection APERALTAR” to the following address:

Aperaltar, Lda.

Av. Melo e Sousa, 667
2765-253 Estoril – Portugal
NIPC: 517233932


Use of Cookies

APERALTAR uses cookies on its website to improve the performance and browsing experience of its users, on the one hand increasing the speed and efficiency of response and, on the other, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information. The placement of cookies not only helps the Website to recognize the user’s device the next time they visit, but is also essential for its operation. The cookies used by APERALTAR on its website do not collect personal information that allows the user to be identified, but only store generic information, such as the way or place/country in which the user accesses the website and how they use it, among other things. Cookies only retain information related to user preferences. The user can, at any time and through their browser, decide to be notified of the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system. Please note that refusal to use cookies may result in inaccessibility to some areas of the APERALTAR website.


APERALTAR reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Whenever it does, it will publish the date of the last update at the bottom of this page. APERALTAR also reserves the right to alter, suspend or discontinue this Website or part of its contents without prior notice.

Law and jurisdiction

This website has been created and is operating under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation and Portuguese law. Access to this Website is subject to acceptance of these conditions and any dispute relating thereto shall be governed by the Portuguese legislation in force, with only the courts of the district of Lisbon having jurisdiction, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction. In the event that any of the conditions is deemed by a court decision to be void, illegal or unenforceable, this shall not affect the remaining conditions, which shall remain valid to the maximum extent legally permitted.