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About Us

Aperaltar is a recently created company whose focus is on the art of grooming the human being in all its multiplicity and diversity.

We advocate a concept where health prevention and well-being are present every day on the road to human longevity.

The art of Aperaltar invites us to choose a new paradigm, one that is demanding, modern, creative, curious, joyful and independent. Letting go of prejudices and appealing to those who come to us in the direction of individual choice for their lifestyle.

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Our professionals from multidisciplinary holistic fields help people and families who want to communicate and trust with their knowledge.

We believe that by offering quality services we can reach people in a more humanized way.

Who we are


At Aperaltar, we aim to create a world where the transformation of weaknesses into strengths is a reality. We are committed to helping people feel unique, valued and supported in this innovative way. We focus on the biological, psychological, social, cultural and artistic aspects and all those that each individual defines in order to expand and inspire their essence, way of being and being.

We believe that by offering quality services, we can reach people in a more humanized way. We insert ourselves into people's lives "without asking permission'', observing them in a sensitive way. We belong to the hope, the goal, the dream and the celebration of being alive, which is what drives us.

We want to be a positive force in people's journeys, helping them to turn challenges into achievements and to feel truly unique and valued.

Who we are


Living for others is a rule of nature. Not everyone follows it. Aperaltar's DNA is to welcome and enhance each person's identity.

Aperaltar has the talent to communicate in all kinds of ways, to embrace people's lives, their stories, their quietness and restlessness, their management of emotions.

The magnificent and unique seal of living in and for the pursuit of experienced happiness, the Joy that is found only and only in the harmony of the senses, in freedom of thought, in the broadening of knowledge for individual choice.

When we touch objects, we leave our fingerprints. When we touch lives, we leave our identity and our mark on them. People need people!

Who we are


We value characteristics such as joy, passion, dedication, communicated conversation, motivated will, talent and its expression, attention... Unique approaches to what we care about, what interests us, what makes a difference.

By adopting these values, Aperaltar is committed to entering people's lives in a sensitive way, belonging to the hope, purpose, dream and celebration of being alive. This is what drives us and defines our identity as a company.

Joy and Passion: We value joy and passion as sources of inspiration, promoting a positive and motivating environment.

Dedication and Communication: We are committed to dedication and clear communication, fostering authentic and meaningful relationships.

Motivated Will: We believe in motivated will as a driver for personal and professional fulfillment.

Talent and Expression: We recognize and celebrate individual talent and its unique expression as valuable contributions to society.

Attention and Sensitivity: We value attention and sensitivity as fundamental elements in understanding and caring for people's needs.

Positive Transformation: We are committed to transforming weaknesses into strengths, promoting personal growth and self-esteem.

Humanization of Services: We believe that by offering quality services we can impact people's lives in a more humanized way, showing empathy and respect.

Innovation and Creativity: We embrace innovation and creativity as a means of offering unique and inspiring solutions.

Our team is full of talent, soul and heart

Mindfulness Mentoring

Sandra Isabel Correia

Mentora, speaker motivacional e mulher de negócios, com um currículo de prémios nacionais e internacionais...

Sandra Isabel Correia, mentor, motivational speaker and businesswoman, with a resume of national and international awards including: “Best Businesswoman in Europe” by the European Parliament in 2011 and “Best International Businesswoman” by the USA in 2016.

Sandra Isabel Correia created her new brand #oamorexiste in 2018 and makes mentoring her main activity “only through sharing between people can we be better human beings and boost the economy of each country, just because #oamorexiste <3”.

His most important awards:

2016 – “Enterprising Women of the Year Award” by American Enterprising Women Magazine/USA

2015 – “Best International Business Women 2015” by WOP – Women’s President Organization/IWEC

2012 – “Best Business Women in Portugal” by Máxima Magazine & Jornal de Negócios.

2011 – “Best Female Entrepreneur of the Year for Europe” by the European Community and European Council of Women Entrepreneurs

In 2013, Sandra Isabel Correia was selected to be part of the summit created by President Obama – “A New Beginning: Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation” – designed to project creativity and innovation in the private sector in order to respond to the concerns of global challenges. Between 2013 and 2015, Sandra took advantage of this experience and created the program “A New Beginning for Portugal” with the aim of expanding Portuguese entrepreneurship around the world.

Since 2019 she has been part of the Planetiers team as International Adviser for the sustainable innovation summit based on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) “Planetiers World Gathering ” in Lisbon 2020.

In 2020, he created the #oamorexiste Academy where, through mentoring and the peer-to-peer system, he boosts each mentee’s entrepreneurial and human skills. An innovative concept based on learning methods through sharing.

Since 2020, she has co-authored and commented on the television program Planetiers Home Gathering for TVI24 on Sustainable Innovation.


Madalena Chança

Sempre pratiquei desporto, razão pelo qual enveredei pela área desportiva, mais direcionada para as lesões músculo-esquelética.

I’m Madalena, I graduated in Physiotherapy from the Cruz School of Health.

Portuguese Red. I’ve always practiced sport, which is why I went into the sports field, more focused on musculoskeletal injuries.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy aims to help people through clinical reasoning and specific assessment techniques based on the best scientific knowledge in order to prevent, manage, reduce or eliminate pain and associated symptoms.

In sport, the prevention, treatment and re-education of dysfunctions/injuries resulting from sports practice are traced from the initial stages to complete reintegration into sport. That said, it is essential that the physiotherapist is assertive in their intervention and familiar with the sport in which the athlete is involved. It is essential to have a multidisciplinary symbiosis of the entire technical and health team, as well as family members, so that there is equal promotion and support.

sports health education.

The intervention profile is based on three principles: prevention, knowing the situation and the most frequent type of injury; treatment, which is more than a daily life activity beyond sport; and reintegration, where goals and limits are set for the return to play.

In the sports injury timeline we initially find moment zero where the first aid occurs, identifying the injured structure and where the intervention process will begin. Alternative training then maintains fitness levels by targeting uninjured areas. In the clinical part, we work on all the basics of physical activity, such as endurance, strength, flexibility, speed and agility, along with therapeutic modalities. Agility has been one of the most important strengths, causing decisions to be made at the right time and keeping the thought of injury at bay. This progression includes training periods conditioned by time barriers, training/playing time, and activity barriers, such as contact.

Finally, training without limitations, but still with a movement analysis by the health team, a global and specific prevention plan.

“Take your time, but don’t waste time.”


Margarida Gonçalves

Vivo numa procura incessante de conhecimento e de compreensão da diversidade de assuntos que me envolvem. O meu percurso académico assim o reflete...

I live in an incessant search for knowledge and understanding of the diversity of subjects that surround me. My academic career reflects this. I graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures from the Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, and later decided to take up a new degree, which was emerging at the time, in Social Gerontology, and a postgraduate course in Clinical Gerontology at the Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus in Lisbon. At the same time, I undertook training of interest to my field in Reiki, Meditation, Snoozland therapy, Hypnosis, and I attended NLP training. Finally, I specialized in Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation.

Gerontology is a science with specific characteristics that are unknown to the general population. So I dedicated part of my time to researching and sharing my knowledge through lectures.

In recent years, I’ve worked in the specific field of neuropsychology, with seniors, at home and in institutions. Mental health, which is so fashionable these days, is finally no longer taboo and is being talked about in the first person, both by people in the public eye and anonymously. Through this experience, I realized that every human being needs to choose their own lifestyle, taking care of their biological, physical, nutritional, emotional, social, family, environmental, financial, spiritual and cultural dimensions, paying attention to self-care and self-esteem, and worrying about internal and external compatibility.

Yoga teacher and therapist

Yeni Ögren

As suas aulas são cheias de paixão, conhecimento e são inclusivas. Destinam-se a todos os que querem aprender Yoga de forma profunda e pura.

The transmission of awareness and healing practices has been part of Yeni’s life for the last decade.

She began her yoga journey in 2007. She studied 5 years of Traditional Hatha Yoga with the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and 2 years of Yoga studies with Pedro Kupfter. He has traveled all over the world demonstrating and practicing in different schools and systems of Yoga and sees Yoga as Yoga, beyond any system or method.

She also has a degree in acupuncture and Chinese medicine, which she studied in Portugal and completed in China. She has an international bachelor’s degree in Chinese medicine and is a certified acupuncturist in Portugal and China. In his therapies he uses the ancient methods of this medicine but also explores health spiritually. He firmly believes in intuitive medicine and brings it into his medical practice.

In Yoga, he teaches traditional methods but introduces a scientific and modern approach due to his in-depth studies of anatomy and physiology, which he studied at ERISA University – Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches.

Her classes are full of passion, knowledge and are inclusive. They are aimed at anyone who wants to learn yoga in a deep and pure way.


Paula Bravo

Especialista em Reflexologia e Par Biomagnético. Dinamiza encontros, workshops sobre o tema Multireflexologia, para que o autocuidado seja uma ferramenta de transformação...

  • Specialist in Reflexology and Biomagnetic Pair.
  • He defines himself as a Multireflexologist, a concept that encompasses the various aspects of reflexology techniques (facial, palmar, foot and ear).
  • The treatments have a complementary aspect with the help of the Biomagnetic Pair, Japanese Yamamoto Skull Puncture.
  • She organizes meetings and workshops on the theme of Multireflexology, so that self-care becomes a tool for transformation.
  • Any of the therapies help to balance the body’s pH, energy, symptoms and emotions, turning each person’s process into long-term well-being and transformation.
  • Each person is unique, so each session or sessions will always be adapted to the needs of each individual.
Food consultant

Emanuel Cunha

Através da culinária e da alimentação, contribuir para a melhoria do estado de saúde dos outros...

Ever since I was a little boy, I loved pots and pans and I started cooking very early, when I was less than six years old. I have a degree in Food Production in Catering (ESHTE) and a Master’s in Clinical Nutrition from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon. Alongside this academic life, I spent more than a decade in all kinds of catering/hotel work, including in the hospital area (chef at the Champalimaud Foundation’s in-patient and day hospital) and in food consultancy in a community context (homes, nurseries and kindergartens).

My journey has always been about food. Throughout this period, health has taken on a very specific importance, culminating in my current purpose: through cooking and eating, to help improve the health of others.

And that’s what you’ll find from me here at Aperaltar: whether it’s diagnostic consultations (do you have a nutritional plan to follow and don’t know how to put it into practice?), personalized workshops (me and the client in our kitchen or yours, to get our hands dirty and learn) or Masterclasses (to get out of your comfort zone and become more aware of the active role we have).

I’m not a nutritionist! I’m a food consultant and I’m available to help you pragmatically in any context: chronic medical conditions that require dietary restrictions (obesity, diabetes, cancer, among others), acute episodes (post-surgery, for example) or lifestyle changes without associated illness.

I’m your ally in changing your eating habits!

Here at Aperaltar I have created a safe and non-judgmental space where the approach is person to person with all their idiosyncrasies, because the parts make the whole. And human beings are no exception!

Clinical Psychologist

Carlos Spencer

Desde muito cedo que queria ser psicólogo. “Não, não acordei um dia aos gritos a dizer que queria ser psicólogo!” Foi um percurso preparado e pensado ao longo dos anos...

I wanted to be a psychologist from an early age. “No, I didn’t wake up one day screaming that I wanted to be a psychologist!” It was a path that was prepared and thought out over the years, so that I would become the professional that I would be proud of and that, above all, my patients would feel happy about the favorable evolution of their clinical and life conditions.

The infinity of the horizon, the depth of the oceans and the abyss of the precipice: this could be the description of a landscape and/or an environment, but they are scenarios that elucidate the human mind and are considered a place without restrictions. This is where I can come in as the professional responsible for studying and analyzing the individual’s internal issues that reflect their behavior.

I can identify traumas, fears and fears that can be predictors of a frustrated life. The answer to common questions about psychologists is simple: they help people overcome difficult or problematic situations. When I identify with Health Psychology, I’m looking for what’s best in each one of us and what leads us to value our health, in any construct, however fragile it may be.

Holistic training

All in one. Such is the holistic approach, which encompasses the knowledge of various strands of psychology. Taking a broader view, psychologists with holistic training analyze the situation in its entirety, treating each individual according to their needs and particularities. As well as knowing each approach in detail, professionals need to understand that there is no conceptually right or wrong approach, but rather the one that is closest to their conceptions and visions of man and his relationship with the world.


Professional Card No. 012547

English and Portuguese teacher

Suely Rocha

Professora de línguas com mais de 20 anos de experiência. Licenciada em Letras e apaixonada pela área de Educação...

Suely Rocha is a language teacher with over 20 years’ experience. She has a degree in Literature and is passionate about the field of Education. She works as a teacher of English and Portuguese as a foreign language.

In his career, he has taught in language schools and public schools, as well as being part of teams in tourism companies and airlines, thanks to his knowledge of languages including Spanish and French.

Suely enjoys reading, going out with friends, family gatherings and walks in nature. He is interested in music, cooking, yoga and philosophy. To keep students motivated, he uses methods that make the learning experience individualized and fun.

Holistic Therapist

Amanda Matos

Acredito nas energias e principalmente nas energias positivas que transformam a minha capacidade de viver melhor e gosto de inspirar...

I believe in energies and especially in positive energies that transform my ability to live better and I like to inspire this way of being in the people who come to me.

It is in nature that I find my balance, in the joy of happy people, the color, the light, the brightness of the sun are elements that give me back the tranquility I need.

I love music, mantras, a good cup of tea accompanied by a good conversation or even just a cup of tea in my own company!

I dedicate my time to studying health issues in order to keep up to date with the workings of our intelligent cellular system; its infinite connections enchant me and arouse my interest.

I am fascinated by food and the combined choice of good foods for health prevention, and I include holistic and integrative cuisine in my diet.

I’m patient, calm, cheerful and take care of people as if I were on a mission.

I’m cheerful and I really enjoy looking after people, making them happier and calming them down.

I dedicate myself to working with various manual therapies, with emphasis on facial beauty, reflexology, relaxing massage using aromatherapy


Maria João Espadanal

Hipnoterapeuta formada em Hipnose Clínica, Transpessoal e Regressiva e Terapia da Banda Gástrica Hipnótica pela Transpersonal International.

With a degree in Environmental Engineering, but with the soul of a teacher, it was in teaching that I spent most of my professional career, especially in areas with poorer populations where human care was much needed.

The desire to help teenagers and adults led me to Hypnotherapy, with a specialization in Clinical, Transpersonal and Regressive Hypnotherapy from Transpersonal International.

Through my practice I have the opportunity to help people with the most diverse conditions to face life in a lighter and more positive way, whether it’s working on their self-esteem, changing their responses to certain stimuli or even helping them to stop smoking.

Sleep Therapist

Ana Ferro

A paixão por crianças e pelo sono levou-me a enveredar por este mundo da parentalidade. Foi então que decidi certificar-me em Consultoria do Sono...

I’m a pharmacist and I’ve been dividing my life between Ireland and Portugal since 2003. During my professional career as a pharmacist, I have come across exhausted moms every day because of the difficulty babies and children have in maintaining continuous sleep, for various reasons. My passion for children and sleep led me into the world of parenting. That’s when I decided to become a certified Sleep Consultant with a holistic approach to supporting, educating and empowering sleep-deprived families to have more restful nights.

I founded“The Sweet Sleep” in 2019 after becoming a certified Infant Sleep Coach at Babyem in London (OCN level 3) to help you through this important stage in your life. Following this certification, I decided to embark on new training at IPHI in California, a pioneer in holistic Maternal and Child consulting recognized by the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants (APSC). I give consultations in Portuguese and English.


My Approach

“The Sweet Sleep” takes a holistic, attachment-based approach, respecting the needs of each baby and family at different stages of development.

The Maternal and Child Sleep Consultation is based on empathy, empowerment, support and accompaniment in this very important stage of parenthood, making sleep accessible to all families.

It’s an individualized process, focused on understanding and solving each baby’s sleep problem/challenge.

During the consultancy, we work as a team and together we apply strategies so that the baby sleeps better and the family can rest. The aim is that:

  • The baby is calm and rested, less irritable;
  • Sleep for longer periods of time;
  • Sleep strategies work in the long term;
  • Parents feel more confident and secure in dealing with their baby’s sleep.

Maternal and Child Sleep Consultations(online or in person) include a personalized 3-week follow-up (if the parents so decide) that meets the needs of the baby and the family, with the aim of providing a peaceful night’s sleep.